On day four of our sea school experience, we had our usual morning routine of devotion, workout, breakfast, inspection, and military drills. We then held a Macho contest, which was won by our very own Aniekan Etuk. We took classes on Rope-Knotting and First Aid to make ourselves more resourceful in the real world. After lunch, we had a seminar on the qualities of a good Leader. After dinner activity that day was presentation by the Adamu and Slesor watches. They gave a two minute talk which was on any topic of their choice. We retired to our rooms at 10:00pm once again.

On the fifth day, we took a trip to Tomaro after breakfast. At Tomaro we visited a resting ground where we held various sporting events including football matches, sprints, and relay races. On our way back, we had to stop for a bit because boat that brought us was experiencing some engine failure. Back on the island, we had an ‘’Educraft’’ lesson on making toilet wash, and antiseptics. After dinner, the other 2 watches gave their two-minute talk, then we closed for the day.
On our last full day there, we had our last drama rehearsal before the final performance. All the watches presented their dramas and in my opinion, they were all amazing work of Art. The four watches also had a cooking contest by making their own dinners. Each watch cooked Jollof rice and stew, some meals were better than others but we all gave our best, and that was what mattered the most. That final night, we had our award ceremony. The winners are as follows:
Neatest watch: Adewole
Best Rice: Slesor.
Best Drama: Adewole.
Observation Game: Adamu.
Best Watch Overall: Adewole.
Every school had a representative give a vote of thanks, I represented Halifield Schools. We were all given certificates for being behaved well and that made us very happy. With that, we retreated to our rooms for a final lights out, as our experience had come to an end.
The next morning, we cleaned up, ate, said our goodbyes and went out separate ways.
It was honestly an amazing experience, one of the best in my life. I will never forget the friends I made, the skills I acquired and the knowledge I attained. As the memories I made on the island will follow me to my grave.
Benson Oluwatoyin
Head Boy 2018/19 session